Perhaps they are just busy when you ask them. Try again.Why do people offer advice, but when they are asked to help they decline?????
Because giving advice is free - it doesn't cost them anything, but if they helped or got involved it could cost them in a number of ways (I don't mean financially!). It depends on the situation, but most people don't like taking sides but prefer to 'sit on the fence'.Why do people offer advice, but when they are asked to help they decline?????
Because they sux
I have found that most people willingly give their advice without being asked because they can say that they have done so on their own. This way, if you don't take their advice, your loss, and if you do take their advice and it goes horribly wrong they will say '; I was only speaking my mind, you didn't have to listen'; But when you actually ask for their help, you are actively soliciting, saying that you value their opinion and have just created accountability for the person who is giving you the advice. They don't want to be accountable; that's why they decline when asked but freely give on their own.
You are people, I am people. We all are people.
What was your question again?
It's easy to talk the talk, not so easy to walk the walk...
Typically, I'd say it was the other way around. People find it un-natural to be negative but apathy and ignorance is much more suited.
For example, when a mum has to take a buggy down a flight of stairs. Person after person will just walk past the struggling woman, but if she stopped someone and asked, they probably be delighted to help out.
However, asking for help is a sign of weakness, and usually the mum will just struggle herself and then complain when she gets to her friend's house.
As for advice, perhaps if it's about a relationship, it might sometimes be wise to decline to back away from being caught in the middle of a squabble. Say you live with a couple and one asks you if she should break up with him, the guy will feel like you told her to do it and may be angry with you.
Advice is best given by someone independent, try discussing relationships with people at work and vice versa.
Then again, perhaps you're not asking in the right way, or asking for the right advice.
Ask advice here, that's what it's for!!
don't rely on nobody try doing things for yourself, some times we are all busy doing our own stuff.
advice is free, cheap and widely available. It makes them feel and look important.
Help is scarce because it cost time, money, comitment, responsibility and accountability. People are basically shy of committing. Just in case it fails.
Because anyone can give lip service.
some people are just rude
Its human nature!!!
maybe theyre just busy
cuz they might actually have to do something physical other than have sex with you
Aren't you asking now? I'll help if i can.What's wrong?
This is all to do with doing the right thing at the time. Most people feel it is there duty to offer help or assistance, but this is maybe to make the person feel better and they do not think their help is need. Its like watching your neighbour or a mate pack up his/her house and when they are almost finished offering them a helping hand. It is the same sort of thing, they offer hoping you will say no thanks!!
Because telling someone how to fix their life is easier than helping them fix it. Most people would rather watch tv.
Now shutup.....Americas Most Wanted is on and I have to watch to figuire out if I'm safe for another week or if I need to move.
Because they are stupid....
Seriously because if they help and it goes wrong thy do not want to be blamed
If it's within your family they don't want to get involved in the fight or disagrement
If it's for volunteer work it's because they're lazy bums.
people by nature do not want to commit themselves to something they will not benifit from, as you get older and your group of good freinds grows this change's a stranger will not commit themselves but a good freind will
They dont have a solution to the advice .
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