Saturday, July 31, 2010

Why do people who ask God for wisdom also ask other people for advice? Wouldn't God always give better advice?

Thank you Squirrel, you just helped me more than you will ever know.

Anyone else want to invest in the Catholic Church with me?Why do people who ask God for wisdom also ask other people for advice? Wouldn't God always give better advice?
Because God gave people brains to help discern things...Right now I am seeking advice from people on something, but I am also praying religiously (no pun intended) and reading the Bible. As people sometimes we ';hear'; what we want to from God and not actually what he is trying to tell it is important for us to have people who give wise counsel..I prefer for certain things to speak to fellow Christians and ask for prayer...God does give the best advice- sometimes he answers through others.Why do people who ask God for wisdom also ask other people for advice? Wouldn't God always give better advice?
You asked an awesome awesome awesome question! And I actually understand what you're asking. Truthfully, God always gives better advice, that's why the first one we should all resort to for advice on the things we do is Jesus. But- there is also nothing wrong with seeking good solid Christian counsel because the Lord may use another person to encourage you with the Word...or they may even give you advice in the word you might not yet know. The Lord will speak to those who are willing to listen. But how can you hear his voice if you don't know his word? So, for some....He may use other people to speak good counsel to another person to help them out with whatever they need advice with. Or else.....couldn't you have asked HIm this question yourself?......:)
maybe god said go ask the lawyer

God uses others to help us. Often He uses professionals.

He expects us to use the brains He gave to us.

God helps those who help themselves.
God works through vessels here on Earth. I believe in healing too, but I go to the Doctor...Only God can heal but the Doctor is his instrument of healing....all Doctors know this...they cannot heal..Same with lawyers....the lawyer supplies the work...God decides the outcome..
That is called getting a second opinion....
Because God does not talk to you! You dont get any answers directly from him.
God does not give advice.
or why ask a doctor what treatment to follow
wisdom can be sent with spirit if He wishes to give it to the asker..
How many people can get direct, audio-visual help from God? You might get something you think might be from God, but it might also be a demon tempting you to do the wrong thing. How many times have you read about some nut who kills a bunch of people, maybe even his own family, and says God told him to? Do you think that was God who told him to? Either his own twisted mind or a demon, I should think.
It's true that God can answer you through other people, and sometime and answer you by presenting something to you. The reason you don't hear him directly, because you haven't line yourself properly with him. Give all of yourself to him and he will respond. Learn to listen and he will provide you with the information you that you seek.
because god puts you on hold
Well, it's true that God always gives better advice, but God can always answer in person... So, I'd say the people talking to the lawyer at least have SOME sense...
God can and does answer prayer through people sometimes.
When I was 13 I prayed to God to give me wisdom. The next day, I became an atheist.
Pray away the gay!

Lol, this is similar to asking why Christians need health insurance, they shouldn't right? Ask and ye shall recieve? Oh yeah, it isn't like that at all, God has NO power at all.
Um, the only reason people ask OTHER people for advice is because they talk back right away. Sometimes it takes time for God to ';speak to your heart'; .... i guess.

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