Ok so I have a beautiful little yorkie who is only 11 1/2 weeks old. At night time she will poo in her kennel pretty much every night. I do not give her any food or water 3 hours before bed and I let her outside to potty 2 or 3 times during the 3 hours before she goes in for bed. I also get up at 7 am to let her outside. So her being tiny and cute I want her to have something soft and comfy to sleep on. The problem is I am really getting tired of washing her blanket ever single day. So what should I do?
Do people who potty train use a blanket in their kennel or do they just put them in on the cold plastic bottom? I have tried puppy pads but she rumples them all up and chews them. Should I just deal with it or is there a better way/solution? Also her kennel is sectioned off for her size so she has a limited amount of room, I did that hoping she wouldn't want to poo where she sleeps but she will anyway. ThanksNot the usual ';potty training'; question, I need advice from people who have worked on potty training a lot.?
Housetraining 101 tells you you need to set your alarm clock and let her out every 2 hours. Her bladder can't wait any longer than that. She will go to the bathroom where she sleeps because she can't help it because you aren't letting her out nearly often enough.Not the usual ';potty training'; question, I need advice from people who have worked on potty training a lot.?
You can take the blanket away...she'll be fine.
SHe's young...so wake up in the middle of the night and take her outside.
Do you feed her on a schedule?
Well there is something called a pee pad it can be also used as a poo pad.First your dog has to get used to going on the pad to use the bathroom.Get some treats and say any word you want like place,potty or something else.Get a treat your dog will love (like lamb flavored treats) and place it on top of the pad say good girl/boy for landing on the bad.But just because you have a pad doesn't mean you don't need to take it outside.Let him/her go outside 3 times a day (morning,afternoon,and night)When she/he gets used to doing that then your fine.
She's going potty where she sleeps for two basic reasons.
1. She was bought from a poor source. She shouldn't have left mom until 12 weks old. This tells me that she came from a backyard breeder or puppy mill and now has ';puppy mill potty syndrome';. This generally means that because she was allowed to pee in her crate in the mill/byb's home and/or was not properly trained before you got her.
2. She's a breed that's known to not be able to hold it and she's being expected to do so for a very long period of time.
When my dog is kenneled, she gets a small bed that takes up 1/3 to 1/2 of the crate. The rest of the crate is bare. You could also THOROUGHLY duct tape down a puppy pad so that she can't pull it up in that half of the crate.
It's really too bad that you decided to use a backyard breeder/puppy mill. My mistake if this was a rescue.
Added: SHE can't be health tested fully until two. Mistake #1.
Champion bloodlines are meaningless. This = BYB Mistake #2.
Showing doesn't matter. WINNING matters. Mistake #3.
Obviously, you don't know what you are talking about. Perhaps you should think about that instead of getting defensive.
Make sure you do something in your routine that indicates to your dog that it is their last chance to go potty so they don't get the idea that they can play this time and potty later. Also at 11 1/2 weeks her bowels have not quite completely developed control. She will get better in time, but for now she need to go out sooner in the morning if their is any way possible.
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