Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why am i gaining weight after anorexia recovery?advice from people who recovered anorexia!plz answer!!?

i have been recovering from anorexia and after tht i have been eating almost more thn 4000 calories a day! and im not even underweight anymore! i am 115 and i wanted to stay in between 100 -105! im scared of my weight but y do i still keep eating!!i keep gainig weight fast! like one day im 103 thn the next im 110! and i keep gaining weight! is it possible tht i wont be overweight and stay healthy and fit!!

weight 115!

age 13

height 5'1 i think

sum 1 plz help me!! im really scared to b over weight!Why am i gaining weight after anorexia recovery?advice from people who recovered anorexia!plz answer!!?
It's likely that because your body has been starved, it now feels it needs to get a large amount of food in case it happens again. If you stick to a set meal plan then this should stop. Make sure you're getting enough wholegrain carbohydrate and protein to prevent cravings. Once your body learns that food is no longer going to be resticted it should soon calm down. Keep going with your recovery. XWhy am i gaining weight after anorexia recovery?advice from people who recovered anorexia!plz answer!!?
well you should normally consume 2000 - 2500 calories a day if you want to maintain the same weight. you are taking in double the amount of calories necessary. also if you have to eat 4000 calories a day then eat it healthier and split your meals in to six meal eat one every 3 hours. that way you wont over eat and you will actually lose weight. but you have to have daily physical activity with this diet or you will keep gaining weight. and dont worry if you weight goes up real quick because you weight is constantly changing throughout the day it is not a constantly thing. like if you weight yourself in the mourning you may weigh 120 even though yesterday you weighted 115 now in the evening you may weight 114 your weight is constantly changing so dont worry.
I don't know what to tell you, except that I went through the same thing. I had to eat 2400-3000 calories per day to keep gaining weight during recovery. I was sick of having to eat all the time to reach my calorie goals, because it seemed like so much food right after anorexia. But now I eat between 2000 and 3000 calories everyday, just to maintain my weight and I'm comfortable with it. My eating is much more flexible because my body has reached it's ideal weight, and it stays around what is healthy for me. You will probably hit a plateau as well; your weight gain should level off. Unless a nutritionist is telling you that you need to eat 4000 calories a day, you could try cutting back just a little bit to slow the weight gain. Plus, I always feel good about myself after a walk or a bike ride, and it could help you feel more confident and fit. Just remember that everything will balance out in the end :)

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