Thursday, August 19, 2010

Please read this i need advice please people?

I just want to know if anyone has ever experienced this or knows what im going through, how do i get through this.

I met my girlfriend 14 months ago, the relationship started over the internet, I was going through breaking up with an ex girlfriend, it was christmas and i thought it would really mess her up if i did it at time so i waited and ended and that girl talked about it, we remain friends, she agreed that our relationship was over a long time before, it was inevitable.

After this me and my girlfriend got together, it was a long distance relationship she lived over 80 miles away. I fell in love almost immeadiately she was perfect, wonderful, kind caring and beautiful. I knew i was lucky we visited each other every weekend and i was in love.I still am. she said she would move up this summer and started working more hours with another job she was getting up at 6am sometimes coming home after 8pm. I kept telling her to get another job, it now seems i was nagging at her.Please read this i need advice please people?
This is very bad timing for you. You have to concentrate on these exams or else all your study would have been a complete waste of time. I know it is hard to think about nothing else apart from your girlfriend, but you have to be kind to yourself and put everything into exams for the moment. Once they are out of the way you can work on repairing your relationship.

If the two of you are in love, happy and good together you have the foundation for a longlasting relationship and you could focus in on the fact that this is only a temporary blip which will pass. If you both feel that what you have is strong then you will be able to get over this stormy patch. This is a test of what your love for each other can endure.

You have had distance between you, she has been paid attention by someone else and you have reacted badly, probably because you feel guilty at not having treated her to the best of your ability. She would have had plenty of opportunity to have done an awful lot worse if she had wanted to, but she hasn't done that - so there is plenty of scope for you to rebuild your relationship.

My advice for what it's worth would be to let her know that you love her through thick and thin and you will always be willing to try to make things right between you.

She is probably feeling that you over-reacted as what she did meant nothing to her. Tell her that you love her and want to be with her come what may.

If you can show her that you really are a good guy and are reasonable with letting her think about things for a while, I am sure that if her depth of feeling matches yours then you will be ok.

It is very difficult when we have these obstacles thrown at us and when the heart is involved it is very hard to see the wood for the trees.

Try to look at the bigger picture, get your exams done because they will shape your future, then concentrate on your heart's desire. With all that love in your heart, all you have to do is throw a little bit of time and effort, plus a bit of luck in the mix and things can work out.Please read this i need advice please people?
Sorry, it is too long.
Look...give her space...then after exams and whatever, see what you have. If you do have a chance, leave the past there. All you have is this moment anyway.
I think you really need to talk to your girl friend, you need to know the why and whether she still wants to be with you.I know she has hurt you, and lost your trust. But you can only over come this by really talking to each other. try not to be too one sided over this as she sounds upset over her own actions, it takes two in a relationship. It is up both of you where you go from here.
What goes around comes around you broke up with a gf at Christmas you knew it would hurt her well you got the same thing back at ya
Give her space. What's meant for you won't pass you by.
Hey guy you have to pick yourself up and move on to embrace new challenges and opportunities.

There is nothing more to be gained from telling her that what she did was bad. I know it sounds impossible but please pick yourself up and move on...

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